Monday, May 25, 2020

Persuasive Essay On Sex Education - 1532 Words

â€Å"The first time a parent names parts of the body, including the genitals, to a toddler or preschooler, sex education has begun (New York Times).† Although some argue they are too young; sex and drug education should be taught to every student in elementary schools across the nation. Prevention is key; education can teach these children valuable lessons that may save their life. Drug abuse in this country has reached an all new high with some of the most dangerous drugs we have ever encountered, and the ages of these drug addicts are getting younger by the day. Drugs such as Heroin have taken the lives of many across the United States, this year; these lives range in age from children to the elderly. Sex education can help prevent pregnancy†¦show more content†¦Unfortunately, children arrive at our emergency department quite often suffering from an accidental overdose. In most cases, these children were just sampling what they see their parent’s doing on a daily basis. The result of these accidental overdoses can range from no long-term effects to an anoxic brain injury, or even death of the child. Sex and drug education can start in the home before the child is even of age to attend school; it can then continue throughout the school years and all the way through high school. So many excellent, age-appropriate resources exist to engage children, adolescents, and teenagers with education. The National Institute on Drug Abuse arms parents and educators with a plethora of resources such as books, workbooks, and videos to get an age-appropriate message to all children about the dangers of drug abuse (NIDA). The advocates for youth organization believes sex education and prevention programs regarding sexually transmitted diseases have an enormous positive impact on our youth. Drug abuse is on the rise across the United States. It is uncommon in the current time to hear of a family that drug use has not impacted in some capacity. Heroin abuse is an epidemic that is substantially affecting thousands of families across the St. Louis area. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, â€Å"Heroin-related overdose deaths have more than quadrupled sinceShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On The Importance Of Sex Education850 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Albert Einstein once said, ‘Education is not the learning of facts, It’s rather the training of the mind to think.’† Once the person learns about abstinence and the cons of sex, the mind will start to adapt to the fact that it is not good to do things. Sex education and learning about abstinence is a very important key to life because it can help reduce pregnancy rates and much more. It could lower the chances of catching a sexually transmitted disease. Having sex education in classrooms can help kidsRead MoreMy School Experience Reading And Writing905 Words   |  4 Pagesthroughout an essay. 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